Monday, September 14, 2009

Hike a little, Haiku a little

For some reason our group got bitten by the Haiku bug on the trek. Sometimes they would compose them on the trail, and other times it was the evening activity to huddle around the stove, and recount the days events, counting the syllables and writing out the finished product. I'm sure there will be many more to come, but here is a small sample.

nestled into our hut
a wall of white awaits us
but wait! coffee first.

outside my window
are drip-dropping droplets
pressed upon the glass.

detour? I think yes.
inside, a cave of wonder—
ice-blue roof above.

wandering in a cloud,
is that the sun that I see?
oh—its gone again.

forging fiercely forward,
turn around and see the view—
press on, inspired.

the ten-minute rest:
sip coca and eat cookies—

go jeff-r-e-y
forging rivers and mountains
half man, half rock star.

thermos in hand,
the furnace warms up my toes—
THIS is happiness.

waterfall lunches,
the spray moistens my sandwich.
lean back, stretch, breathe deep.

...More to come!
Bless Bless,

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