Monday, November 16, 2009

International Day of Climate Change

350...not just a number - an international movement! Confused? October 24th marked the international day of climate action, sponsored by, an international campaign dedicated to building a movement to unite the world around solutions to the climate crisis. 350 parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere is what many climate scientists are calling the “safe limit for humanity”. Stabilizing CO2 levels to 350 ppm, they say, will likely allow humanity to avoid the most catastrophic effects of global climate change.

Thus on October 24th, challenged communities around world to organize a gathering incorporating the number 350 to bring attention to the climate crisis. Wanting to demonstrate the urgency of the climate crisis, our CELL Iceland ‘09 group was happy to respond by taking a picture with our 350 poster outside of Sesseljuhus.

While our efforts took all of ten minutes, we were glad to at least send the message that we care. All 14 of us care about our climate, our environment, and our future. We care about sustainability, social justice, and global peace and prosperity. We care and we are not ashamed to let our local and global communities know it. 350 for us represents all of these shared goals and dreams. As we have learned in our CELL curriculum, social justice, environmental issues, and global welfare are all interconnected. With the advent of global climate change these connections are ever more evident, since rising sea levels and a warming climate are the biggest threats to developing countries with little means to prepare for such consequences. Therefore in speaking out about global climate change, we are speaking out against social injustice and also speaking up for sustainable living.


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